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Use Fabric Labels to Label Your Handmade Goods

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 6, 2018

Whether you are a clothes manufacturer selling apparels online, quilter, crafter or a hobby seamstress, it means that you are contributing several hours every day to create your handmade items. You have to think of the time and effort invested – it does mean something. This is where fabric labels come into play. Take your […]

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Top Questions Asked By the Designers for Clothing Labels

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 6, 2018

Well, clothing labels are crucial in the clothing industry. They represent the face of a brand and also aid a company to gain recognition in the market. Now, what are clothing labels? These are pieces of cloth that contains the name of the brand, the tagline of the company, the size of the apparel, the […]

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Top Three Tips to Choose Hang Tags for Clothing Wisely

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 6, 2018

Author: Maggie Smith Posted on: Mar 25, 2016 “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.”- Jeff Bezos, CEO & Founder of Amazon Do you agree with the above-quoted lines said by the Founder of Amazon? Well, a brand is a sole identity of a particular company that […]

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Top Three Types of Materials used for Labeling

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 6, 2018

Author: Maggie Smith Posted on: November 2, 2016 Well, we all know what labeling is. Don’t we? But, still, I’ll elaborate on this subject for those who are not aware of labeling. In today’s world, making a mark in the industry has become necessary to stand at par with competitors. So, if you’re wondering how […]

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Try Using Waterproof Labels for your Sportswear

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 6, 2018

“Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.” – Michael Jordan This is often the thought of every man/woman who loves his/her sport. Be it a game of cricket, badminton, tennis or baseball and soccer, a real sportsman plays the game with elan and true sportsman spirit. A sports lover enjoys every bit of the game […]

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Types of Fabrics Used in Apparel Labels

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 6, 2018

Author: Maggie Smith Posted on: May 12, 2016 Clothing labels have an important role to play in creating a brand connect with the target audience. In fact, clothes labels are often considered the bridge that connects clients with the business. Labels increase retention span among people and give clothes an identification that they require. Identification […]

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Types of Garments Labels Used in Clothes Stores

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 6, 2018

Garment labels are not just a piece of fabric that is attached on your clothes. It has a lot of significance in the clothes industry because it is a medium that designers use to communicate. Labels give identification to the clothes and help potential buyers know more about the clothes brand. This is considered to […]

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Top Advantages of Using Custom Labels for your Company

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 6, 2018

In this world of growing industrialization, making an identity in the industry is crucial. Now, the main question is how will you achieve that? Well, one of the many ways is labeling that works tremendously and is solely responsible for building a brand. For instance, while shopping the majority of the people prefer apparels with […]

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Top Branding Trends to Attract New Age Customers

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 6, 2018

With the sweeping changes in the taste and preference of the millennials, the branding and marketing techniques also need to be maneuvered accordingly. If you’re planning to come up with your own brand label, then you might consider these top branding trends to attract the millennial consumers and maintain brand loyalty in the long run. […]

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Top Elements That Define Hang Tags for Clothing

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 6, 2018

With every passing day, the competition in the industry is increasing. And this is leading its way to an existential crisis that should be dealt with mere attention. Now, in order to make your presence felt, you need to come up with interesting marketing strategies. Having said that, one of the most effective marketing tools […]

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