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Hem Tags: The Latest Concept for Garment Tags

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 2, 2018

It’s easy to underestimate the importance of clothing label. With just a little bit of material and some small print, it’s easy to overlook. But in reality, this one small item makes a big difference. Today, manufacturers are placing the labels in a whole new place, ensuring that they get a little extra attention. Placement […]

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Guide to Choose Apparel Labels that Go With Your Brand

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 2, 2018

Author: Maggie Smith Posted on: Jan 13, 2016 The world of business is getting more competitive with each passing day. Brands dealing in similar kind of products and services are trying to create a distinct identity for themselves. And for all these reasons and more, business owners can no longer stay restricted to selling quality […]

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Garment Labels Are More Important Than You Realize

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 2, 2018

Every one among us has seen those small labels at the backside of the garment. They can be attached to different places depending upon the garment design and the type of garment. What we seldom realize is that small piece of label has massive importance. Believe it or not, that garment label can actually decide […]

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Garment Labels – Types of Fabrics Used!

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 2, 2018

The label used in a garment is much more than a mere piece of fabric. It is your company’s introductory speech. The label helps you to communicate with your clients so that you can connect with them. In short, the label describes the product. It draws the attention of the buyer towards the product. The […]

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Garment Label Requirements Designers Must Remember

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 2, 2018

Author: Maggie Smith Posted on: Apr 08, 2016 The clothes business is an extremely glamorous domain to be a part of and at the same time it is equally challenging. Challenging because the fashion trends are never constant and the only constant aspect is the fact that the trends keep changing. This implies that people […]

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For Clothing Business Owners: Will Going Tagless Save You Money?

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 2, 2018

Author: Maggie Smith Posted on: Dec 18, 2015 Some of the brands have already done it and they have been able to save quite a lot of money, as they have proclaimed. They have considered this to be a great way to reach out to more clients. Adding tags to garments have their own pros […]

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Five Things You Must Remember While Designing Customized Furniture Label

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 2, 2018

First impression matters a lot when it comes to business.The current competitive market actually gives you not more than one single opportunity to make your brand memorable in your potential customers’ minds. And that’s it. You simply have no other options left to impress your customers later on unless you are able to make an […]

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Fashion Trends We Can Learn from the Game of Thrones

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 2, 2018

Author: Maggie Smith Posted on: June 17, 2016 Who hasn’t heard of ‘Game of Thrones’? I guess there’s no one who has not heard about this extremely popular TV series that has swept the nation off their feet. It has gained prominence in the entertainment industry with its excellent adaptation, plot, characters, costume and so […]

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Facts to Know About Custom Clothing Woven Labels

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 2, 2018

Author: Maggie Smith Posted on: Jan 28, 2016 Custom clothing labels are timeless fashion which implies that this form of fashion will continue to stand the test of time. They will remain priceless in spite of the latest fashion trends that keep coming. People with the finest choice of fashion understand the class and elegance […]

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Essentials of Sustainable Clothes Washing

Author : Maggie Smith
Posted On : November 2, 2018

Author: Maggie Smith Posted on: May 26, 2016 Fashion is one of the most demanding and glamorous industries that come with fair share of challenges. Professionals’ part of this industry understands the dynamics of this profession and work accordingly. Many are of the opinion that the world of fashion is in some way affecting the […]

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